Don’t be Fooled by a Non-Profit Hospital

A non-profit entity doesn’t have to pay taxes, they exist to fulfill a mission. The mission statement of the Memorial Hermann Health System is to “improve health.”

That’s pretty broad and could include a lot of things, like research and education. My husband was admitted to their flagship facility, Memorial Hermann in the Texas Medical Center, which is a teaching hospital. I found their patient care to be sorely lacking and this experience is detailed in my book, “108 Days.”

As depicted in the documentary, “Money Driven Medicine,” hospitals advertise to doctors, not patients. Doctors bring patients, patients are revenue streams. Being a non-profit doesn’t mean they aren’t money-driven.

Take a look at this case, one in which a jury found Memorial Hermann acted with malice by making false statements against a physician.

“The case provided a glimpse into the fierce battle among hospitals for market share and what they will do to protect their turf. Independent doctors with admitting privileges are critical to hospitals because they provide a steady stream of patients. Specialists like Gomez, who perform procedures with high profit margins, are especially valuable. Hospitals fight hard to hold onto them.”

We need a healthcare system that serves us, the patient. We need to take back control. Providers and facilities, non-profit or not, need to start contributing to the costs of healthcare. How do we get there?

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